
Attracting and Securing a DSO Business

While working with DSOs is challenging when it comes to meeting the demands of production, businesses. Jay Collins’ Cornerstone Dental Lab have proven that it is ultimately a productive endeavor. Lasting business means lasting value, and consistent work from DSOs also means a steady stream of income for dental labs. 

How to Stop Patients from No-Showing

Ultimately, combining digital dentistry and IV sedation allows dentists to offer patient satisfaction across the board. Practices can use IV sedation to help patients feel more comfortable, resulting in more successful appointments and fewer missed or canceled appointments. This, in turn, increases the number of productive hours at the clinic.

3D Printing a 3-Unit Posterior Temporary Bridge

In addition, 3D printing only uses the material needed to produce the case, resulting in less waste. This means lower resupply costs for dentists, which can benefit their business in the long run. 

exocad Hacks for All On X 

Creating All-On-X restorations with exocad simplifies the workflow, unlike traditional approaches to full arch restorations. This invaluable tool empowers dental practices in the digital dentistry realm, offering a competitive edge against rivals.

Why You Should 3D Print Surgical Guides

With 3D printing, you can create surgical guides and diagnostic models that are clear, precise, and tailored to the specific needs of your patients, resulting in better outcomes and an improved quality of life.

How to 3D Print Diagnostic Wax-Ups In-House

By following this guide, you can present patients with their diagnostic wax-ups on their initial appointment day. Beyond speed, 3D-printed diagnostic wax-ups offer higher accuracy and detail, effectively lessening human error.