
Social Media Marketing Tips for Dental Labs 

Like all business growth strategies, it is important to learn how social media can grow your business and contribute to lead generation. Chances are, many of your competitors are also on social media and posting their own content.

How Milling Centers are Facilitating Change

In recent years, advancements in digital dentistry methods and technology have led to significant changes in the market’s demands and practices. This has made it challenging for some dental labs to keep up, let alone stay ahead of the curve.   However, there has been a rise in highly specialized businesses, such as design centers,… Continue reading How Milling Centers are Facilitating Change

Easiest Way to Outsource RPD Production

Outsourcing RPD production is a smart business move for dental labs looking to streamline their production process and increase their capacity without incurring the overhead costs associated with metal 3D printers. With the Evident and Bertram partnership, dental labs can benefit from the expertise of two industry leaders who are dedicated to providing quality products and exceptional customer service.

Designing Stunning Dentures on exocad

At its core, innovation sets out to fill the gaps and improve current ways of working. The introduction of digital dentures effectively addresses pain points dental practices might have with traditional dentures. 

Rest assured, Evident Designs Has Got You Covered

Having been in the industry for so many years, we have optimized our design center to accommodate the many unexpected situations that come up.

12 Major Updates to Evident Lab Management Software in 2019

evident has had over 100 software updates in 2019. Read on to learn about the top 12 updates that improve your lab management experience.