
Attracting and Securing a DSO Business

While working with DSOs is challenging when it comes to meeting the demands of production, businesses. Jay Collins’ Cornerstone Dental Lab have proven that it is ultimately a productive endeavor. Lasting business means lasting value, and consistent work from DSOs also means a steady stream of income for dental labs. 

exocad Hacks for All On X 

Creating All-On-X restorations with exocad simplifies the workflow, unlike traditional approaches to full arch restorations. This invaluable tool empowers dental practices in the digital dentistry realm, offering a competitive edge against rivals.

Realistic Monolithic Zirconia Made Easy

With a monolithic approach, you can achieve a faster workflow for your dental technicians. You’ll increase your case production and achieve timely delivery for your dentists. 

Optimize Your All-on-X Workflow

In the age of digital dentistry, scan and model files allow dental labs to accurately create a dental prosthesis through 3D printing or milling. But in addition to the scans and/or models, there is some more information labs should require before creating the virtual patient.

Social Media Marketing Tips for Dental Labs 

Like all business growth strategies, it is important to learn how social media can grow your business and contribute to lead generation. Chances are, many of your competitors are also on social media and posting their own content.

How Milling Centers are Facilitating Change

In recent years, advancements in digital dentistry methods and technology have led to significant changes in the market’s demands and practices. This has made it challenging for some dental labs to keep up, let alone stay ahead of the curve.   However, there has been a rise in highly specialized businesses, such as design centers,… Continue reading How Milling Centers are Facilitating Change